Enneagram CHILDREN

PERSONALITY . Erasmus ....... Erasmus 'n Kinkajou Erasmus n Kinkajou "Children"

What Makes You The Way You Are
"Genetically Programmed" for one Path in Life











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KinkajouKinkajou: This site looks at the link between personality and genetics. Our genes make is the individual that we know as “me”. Our genes make is the personality that we know as “me” as well.

It follows then that different parents will only have children with personalities dictated by the genes that they inherit. Personality is determined at conception.

Erasmus Erasmus: Genetics is not about blending to a common "colour. If you have specific genes that is who you are. Its sort of like redheads. If you are homozygous for the red hair gene, you will have red hair, not hair blending to a medium colour. Of course the gene frequency for red hair will influence how common red hair  will be in a population. "Dominant" genes of course will hide the appearance of red hair. For example, to have red hair is unlikely in an Asian population with black hair.

Goo The NumbatGoo: Except if you die it- many asian girls love colour and work hard to be different.

KinkajouKinkajou: This site is about genetics Goo, not what you do in your spare time.

Goo The NumbatGoo: Spare time has always had a major influence on genetics.

Girls who party Girls who party: which one is your kid?

Dr AXxxxxDr. AXxxxx: Enough! This is a serious discussion, not a discussion with how vermin breed or how they paint their primitive selves.

Dr XxxxxDr. Xxxxx: Humans form a cohesive cooperative society. I think time will tell that they are not to be trifled with. Back to it. I will not have my time wasted by clods.

Erasmus Erasmus: OK. Personality though is of course influenced by many events we deal with in our lives and by our experience of interacting with other personalities for example our parents. The personalities of our parents and siblings become very “comfortable” to us. It follows that our future partners will often be personalities that we are comfortable with. People often pair up because they have a matching set of personality traits with which they are comfortable. Personality has a strong genetic basis. It follows that the genes of the parents determine the genes of the child. So if you know the genetics of the parent personality, you can predict the personality of the child.

In history, couples could easily found tribes with very similar genetics. The history of fast noradrenaline genes and slow histamine genes is the history of our civilisation. The Tribes of History


This web page is devoted to those weird little animals we call our children. Gene mixes do not always mean that our children are exactly like Mum or exactly like dad or even halfway in between. The personality mixes we experience can be quite a departure from the behaviour we are used to, although the same gene elements are there. I think you have to feel sorry for some parents if the genetics of the children are substantially different  from their own. The behaviours they are comfortable with , may not work very well with their children.

Enneagram Nine mothers of enneagram four girls is a bad mix. The child learns that increasing "volume" makes mum do what they want.
Enneagram One mothers of enneagram six children are essentially blind to the colour of the language used by their children.
Any Enneagram may well be disturbed by the lack of decision and volition inherent in enneagram nine children. Parents often have dreams and hopes for their children that parents soon realise may never come to pass.
Sexual parents of self-pres children will be disturbed as to why their children have so little social attachment. The enneagram self-pres kids are happy ignoring everyone and happy being by themselves.
Parents often hope for enneagram three children due to their workaholic nature. Doing and working and looking like going places. Kids with a drive needing no encouragement.

Young Child  Young Child

Dr AXxxxxDr. AXxxxx: Paill Spectrum can derail the best laid plans of men and mice. Genetics can completely destroy your hopes and ambitions for your children in unexpected ways.

Dr XxxxxDr. Xxxxx: Yes. Paill Spectrum causes brain damage making learning a big ask, if not impossible. Genes for wheat allergy and immunity genes may be more important than enneagram type in determining who or what you are.

Dr AXxxxxDr. AXxxxx: Dunce, Druggie or boozing brawling misogynist with anger management issues.

Dr XxxxxDr. Xxxxx: It can even affect having future children : more kids or less kids though effects on impulsivity and sexual orientation.

Goo The NumbatGoo: Quantity and quality do matter.

Young Girl Rebel : Elisabeth Mudlark  Young Girl Rebel : Rebel Elizabeth Mudlark: a future girl of great potential.
Erasmus Erasmus: We will l be focusing on the “unexpected” in our explanations and the forecasting we are using will only be roughly grounded. There is more flavour in the genotype than we will be dealing with today. In our summaries here it does not matter whether it is the mother or father who has a particular enneagram number. In other words, there is no sex-related factor in the determination of the enneagram personalities. Sex hormones may influence personality profoundly, but today we are only looking at the enneagram types.

Learn about Rebel Elizabeth Mudlark and Genetic Engineering in Humanity's future. WWW.ENKtechs.COM "Genetic Engineering and Sci Fi"

In our example’s, it does not matter which enneagram number is written first. It is only the combination of numbers that is important. So, 1 + 8 equals 8 + 1, et cetera. The first numbers listed are the enneagram numbers of the parents. The second set of numbers following the arrow, are the enneagram numbers of possible children.


1 + 1  >> 1 8 9
1 + 2  >>  1 8 6
1  + 3 >> 1 2 3 4 5 6  8 9
1  + 4 >> 1 4 5 8 9
1  + 5 >> 1 4 5 9
1  + 6 >>  1 6 9
1  + 7 >> 4 5
1  + 8 >>  1 8
1 +  9 >> 1 9


2  + 2 >> 2 6 8
2..+ 3 >>1 2 3 4 6 8
2..+4 >> 1 2 6 8
2..+5 >> 1 3 4 6
2..+ 6>> 1 6
2..+ 7 >>3 4 6
2..+ 8 >>2 8
2..+ 9 >>1 6

3..+ 3 >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3..+4 >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3..+ 5 >> 1 3 4 5 6 7 9
3..+6 >> 1 3 4 5 6 9
3..+ 7 >>3 4 5 6 7
3  +8 >>1 3 4 5 6 9
3  +9 >>1 3 4 5 6 9

4 + 4 >> 1 4 5 7 8 9
4  +5 >> 1 4 5 7 8 9
4  + 6 >>1 3 4 5 6 9
4 + 7 >>4 5 7
4 + 8 >>1 4 8
4  + 9 >>1 4 5

5..+5 >>5 7 9
5+ 6 >> 5 6
5 + 7 >> 5 7
5  + 8 >>1 4 8
5 + 9 >> 5 9

6 + 6 >>6 9
6 + 7 >> 5 6
6 + 8 >> 1 6
6 + 9 >> 6 9

7 + 7 >> 7
7 + 8 >>4
7 + 9 >>5

8 + 8 >> 8
8 + 9 >>1

9 + 9 >>9


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Good at Maths and theories: John Bell himself. Good at Maths and theories: John Bell himself.

Erasmus Erasmus: The situation can be a bit more complex than this as there can be some enneagram numbers that have genotypes that don't fit perfectly into any group.