Enneagram HISTORY

PERSONALITY . Erasmus ....... Erasmus 'n Kinkajou Erasmus n Kinkajou "History"

What Makes You The Way You Are
"Genetically Programmed" for one Path in Life











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Goo The NumbatGoo: This site looks at the link between personality and genetics.

Erasmus Erasmus: Our genes make us the individual that we know as “me”. Our genes make us the personality that we know as “me” as well. But personality genetics has implications at a much greater level- countries and nations. And this situation has existed throughout humanity's tenure on this planet. It would be certain that personality genetics would steer the path of history: the consequence of actions by tribes or nations.

We believe that if you know the genetics of the country’s people, you can predict how a country or nation will act in specific circumstances. Culture may be the result of shared personality genes as much as shared experiences and history. Countries "do" and "achieve" only what the genetic makeup of their people allows them to do.

Dr AXxxxxDr. AXxxxx: If your people are vegetables, don't expect great things. Every one invades you, every one conquers you, and every one steals your stuff. A country is its people. A country of narrow minded opinionated clods, will not rise above that level.

Erasmus Erasmus: You're not talking about Paill Spectrum, are you?

Dr AXxxxxDr. AXxxxx: Double bummer. Of Course Paill Spectrum as well as genetics! Not only can you be borne to greatness (or lack thereof), but you can have it thrust upon you.

Dr XxxxxDr. Xxxxx: Nutrition and gluten sensitivity is the key with Paill Spectrum infection. Gluten sensitivity is important in making the illness worse. Unsurprisingly, gluten sensitivity has a strong genetic base as well.

Goo The NumbatGoo: So not only can you be borne with low achieving enneagram genes, but you can be born with genes that improve your chances of illness and brain damage as well.

Erasmus Erasmus: Well, so says the good doctor. The Paill Spectrum theory focuses on the Paill Spectrum illness and the damage it does to the human brain. The doctor says that Paill Spectrum is the main process for creating mental illness through brain damage.

KinkajouKinkajou: Doesn't evolution and natural selection guarantee that resistance to Paill Spectrum infection improves over generations.

Human Dumb Evolution Human Dumb Evolution

Erasmus Erasmus: No. Not at all. If Paill Spectrum removes judgment and enhances impulsive behaviour, it is far more likely that the "dumb strain" will outbreed more resistant and smarter human types. Evolution is about "more". If you breed more, you will get more- any "more", whether you think it good or bad. There is no guarantee that the path of evolution and time is upward. Some enneagram types are renowned for their impulsivity as well.

Human Social Matrix Human Social Matrix: If you take the: CENSORED. Perhaps things are not all that CENSORED.

KinkajouKinkajou: So the enneagram can affect evolution and create history at the same time?

ErasmusErasmus: Yes. History is about people’s actions. People’s actions are substantially influenced by their mode of thinking, which in turn has a substantial genetic underlay. This is especially facilitated by the low mobility of human populations throughout history. Most people are born,and then live, breed and die in much the same geographical area throughout their entire lives.

Even today, it has been said that in many parts of a modern country like England, many people never travel farther than a hundred kilometers from their home, most of their lives. Indeed it is difficult to travel any distance regularly in view of, for example, traffic congestion arising from the concentration of human populations in cities. Of course in the oldern days, lack of safe roads was likely more a factor than the congestion of roads today.

KinkajouKinkajou: Let's get back to the talk about a nation's people- its human resources. People in many countries in the world before this century, stayed in one town, city or village all their lives. So it makes sense to think that "clonal" populations will arise.


Erasmus Erasmus: Contrast the situation with a country like Australia with spaced population centres. People will regularly travel 100 to 200 km from a city like Brisbane just to get to spectacular beaches of the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast (now cities in themselves). Still, even in Australia, you see “mobility” patterns. A Friend of mine once noted, that many people start their careers in suburbs like Holland Park, move on and up to a suburb like Alexandra Hills. Then as things go wrong in their lives , these people move back to Holland Park again. The friend used to quip that some people would never” leave’ Holland Park their entire lives. They belonged to this little part of the world.

KinkajouKinkajou: I think that people do move around more today, but that just means that the stage for clonal population to develop is just bigger than it used to be in the old days. People move within their countries but not so readily across national borders. So the same argument is valid. Clonal type populations arise within the borders of nations- even today.

Erasmus Erasmus: Going back 4000 to 6000 years, people were usually far less mobile. Travel was dangerous. The killing and robbing of itinerants was a part-time job for which justice would never prevail. Staying where you were known, with people you knew, was far less dangerous. This encouraged the development of semi-clonal human populations.

Mobile Warfare: Mongol warrior Mobile Warfare: Mongol warrior

For example, a couple moving to an area, could easily raise eight kids, having them grow to adulthood. If each of these kids pair up (so to speak), each couple could easily have eight kids each, as well. So in the next Generation there would be about 30 to 40 people. In three generations, the original couple of two people has grown to a tribe of 120 to 160 people. In four generations, there would be about 500 to 700 people. In five generations,, there could be between 2000 to 3000 people in this village or tribe.
These people would have a very narrow genetic base and consequently this new population cluster would be expected to have very similar behaviour arising from the Enneagram genetics.

Mobile Warfare: Mongol warrior  Mobile Warfare: Mongol warrior

If the founding parents were aggressive, domineering and bellicose; you have the makings of a conquering tribe. Look at history. Monoculture cluster genetic groups of humans have all left their particular mark on the world, looking back through the lens of “genetic” personality.

The Sumerians burst upon the face of the planet in Mesopotamia. Their cities were haphazard constructions thrown together almost at random. The Sumerians built ziggurats looking upward but not challenging the vault of the sky, like the Egyptian pyramids. There are still further examples of rapid but haphazard developments in this context. A king would leave his city with his army, conquer another city, to have his old city revolt behind him , while he was away. Alternatively, a king would conquer a new city and then leave for home. His newly conquered city would revolt soon after he left. The enneagram conclusion: a “seven” civilization.

So let's look at the situation with the enneagram “seven” culture. Sevens often start many jobs but completely finish few. This can mean development is haphazard but fast. The ethos of the seven could be said to be, “sometimes fools rush in and just get the job done”. A seven civilization would look exactly like the cities of Sumeria. Growing quickly but assembled seemingly at random in a haphazard fashion seemingly defying planning and preparation.

Modern warfare in the land of the Sumer  Modern warfare in the land of the Sumer: modern Iran and Iraq.

The Egyptians built the biggest and best and maintained rule and order throughout the Nile Valley. The enneagram conclusion: perhaps an “eight” civilization. Could enneagram eights create their own civilization? Perhaps the proximity of Sumeria allowed the pollination of Egypt's early civilization from Sumeria. Perhaps what the Egyptians achieved, they did in their own right. We will probably never solve that one. But what is obvious, is that whatever civilization formed, did reflect the character of its people. the bigger the better and biggest is best.

Emperor An Emperor of Modern Ties: as powerful as the Pharaohs of old.

The inhabitants of the Indus Valley form a group which never quite “took off” in terms of growth, influence, technology or power. The enneagram conclusion: perhaps a “one” civilization.
One's like to get things right or perfect. One's like order. This would imply central control and order. New developments would arise slowly and be taken up slowly. The fire of civilization would sputter for a long time before bursting into flame. The enneagram ennegenes model would predict that this type of civilization would develop and grow slowly. This is what happened in the Indus Valley. Civilisation never quite blossomed to the extent it did in Sumeria.

I think also that nations with a strong one component perhaps such as Germany and Japan, would have been very intolerant of less perfect neighbours and less than perfect human beings. Perhaps this intolerance based on enneagram genetics, underlay some of the racial superiority ethics that started the Second World War. New innovation in “one” cultures is often slower than in other enneagram groups. For example, the Japanese Zero fighter plane dominated the Pacific at the start of WW2. However, by the end of World War II, American and British innovation had made the Zero aircraft a staid fossil-outclassed, outgunned, outperformed, and outranged by many of the newer Allied aircraft.

Consider the wandering German tribes of the early millennium. There is a high probability that mono crop genetics was in play. Bellicose founders founded bellicose tribes. The bellicose children marched to the gates of Rome.

Wandering germanic tribe Wandering Germanic tribe
It becomes even more interesting when you consider the effect of conquest on mono crop genetics of human tribes.

In Sumerian times, the Assyrians would sweep down from the mountain strongholds and seize Mesopotamian cities. They would undoubtedly take captive slaves home, have their way with them and father children. This would result in the home population genetics beginning to change.

Learn about the technologies that made our history. WWW.ENKtechs.COM "OLD TECH"

After several repeated cycles of invasion, the genetic base of the Assyrian bellicosity would alter. The Assyrians over time would drift into memory as nation of conquerors. To explain this in enneagram terms. Increased seven genes in “eight” or “one” populations, would dilute the power of the eight genes, making a population now with ones, fours, fives, sevens, and nines. With fewer eight genes, this tribe based on its enneagram genetics would no longer seek to dominate, to rule or to conquer.

American Soldiers and Civilians  American Soldiers and Civilians

The same situation would perhaps relate to the founding of the American colonies. Only “eights” would so bravely set forth to a dangerous country full of powerful savages. Enneagram eights, driven by circumstances are likely to go boldly forth where real men have not gone before. These “puritan” fathers, if they were eights, would indeed exemplify the feeling many people have of the stereotypic American.

The most fascinating aspect of this theory is that we are all part of history today. Immigration on a large scale would change population genetics substantially. The nature of the country would change, so slowly that no one would notice, but so powerfully that there can be no reversing the tide of “evolution”.

Large-scale immigration from say the Indian countries to a country like Australia would “one-ify” the country. The country would drift towards more rules, more regulation, less speed of progress, less tolerance of new ideas, less competition and less innovation. A nations drive and its direction will change, with implications for its future.

The question you need to ask yourself is “where is my country going today”. Proliferation of one racial subgroup or predominant immigration of one racial subgroup would result in a change in the enneagram genetics of the population in a country. The nature and culture of the country would begin to change. People would begin to think differently. An enneagram three or enneagram seven country could easily drift towards becoming a much more enneagram one or enneagram nine country.

Fooling Genes  Fooling Genes: put on a mask.

“Nine” subpopulations in many nations really do not compete well against people with slow histamine, fast noradrenaline, or fast serotonin genes. Obvious examples are the failure of Pacific Island populations to compete on the world stage. Another example would be the failure of the Maori or the aboriginals in New Zealand or Australia respectively to compete long term with the European immigrant populations in their traditional domains. While nine populations are integral to the functioning of many of our civilizations, while they function quite well within our civilizations; they do not perhaps compete with and develop the civilization as much as other enneagram personality subgroups.

What do “nine” personalities do? Nine personalities have fast histamine genes. They’re actually very aware of their environment and what is occurring in it. They can see what can be done, but they have no drive to do it. However, this fast appreciation of their environment is very important in native populations living close to nature. It enables a rapid appreciation of danger from predators. It enables a rapid response to critical issues with minimum waste of effort or time. Less critical issues however, may never arise on the agenda.

I think that if the Australian aborigine “nines” developed a new culture or civilization, is unlikely that civilization would evolve in any time less than tens of thousands of years. The “do it now” ethic of the enneagram seven does not exist. Civilization is very much three steps forward two steps back game. It requires constant work, constant innovation and constantly thinking about how to change your environment to push a civilization further upward and forward. This is not what enneagram nine personalities do.

In fairness to the Australian aborigine “nines”, their failure to develop a civilization, is unlikely to be solely due to the enneagram genetics. The absence of advanced technologies such as those presented by cattle, sheep and grains such as wheat, would impede the development of civilization. Cattle and sheep are critical technologies. They convert inedible items such as grasses and herbage into food such as meat and milk and clothing. There genetic programming allows them to be herded. They form the basis of the first step of civilization: the nomadic herdsman.

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Primitive Man  Primitive Man

KinkajouKinkajou: Why describe grains such wheat or rye as technology?

Erasmus Erasmus: Changes occurred in the structure of these grains: wheat and rye, that can be described as biotechnological changes.

Wheat is a grain that today is very different from that which appeared naturally many thousands of years ago. Modern wheat grains have a much higher yield. (They have double rows of seed grains compared to wild strain wheat grasses. They also do not flop their grain heads down when they ripen. This means the grain stays in the head of the wheat grass until humans can harvest it. Wild strain wheat grasses, have genetics which program the wheat grain heads to flop down when ripe, allowing self-seeding of the ground with the wheat grain.). Modern wheat, rye and barley require human intervention to improve seeding and propagation. "Wheat, Rye and Barley", are technologies which have enabled the second step of civilization, this being the development of early farming practices in the river valleys of Mesopotamia and the Nile valleys.

Man of AgricultureMan of Agriculture

So the Australian aborigines, with their “nine” enneagram genetics and their lack of food technology, never really ever had a chance to develop a civilization.

In looking at these cultures, other aspects also become obvious. These cultures have very complex social interaction hierarchies. The social interaction hierarchies of Australian aborigines, is far more complex than the interaction system that underlies most Western cultures. So it appears the enneagram nine genes allow for a much deeper and richer understanding and interaction on a social and cultural level, than many other genes.

There are other genes however, at play in the Australian aborigine or the New Zealand Maori population subgroups. These genes are probably more important than the gene creating the enneagram "types". This gene is a very powerful gene indeed. This gene is the “self-pres” gene.

The action of this gene is perhaps best seen in the actions of the Maori in New Zealand when faced with British belligerence. The self-pres gene removes confidence and optimism in the future. There is no conviction that things will go well. The future cannot be taken for granted. Our destiny is what we make of it, and good things may never happen.

KinkajouKinkajou: How can such a gene make a difference?

Erasmus Erasmus: How many movies have you seen where the native peoples line up against the British and stand there to be shot and killed. Many. Even the Americans fighting the British did this. I believe the self -pres gene, pushed the Maori to act differently. The self-pres gene would give you the feeling that you cannot be confident that things will work out well for you, if you stand there waiting to be shot. The self-pres tells you “don’t do it”.

Doing things alone- the self pres way  Doing things alone- the self pres way

The Maori built a fortification outside a New Zealand city. The British mobilized their army and heavy artillery and attacked the Maori. They shelled the Maori fortification and then sent in the infantry to mop up the survivors. Unfortunately the Maori had “dug in”. This was well before the advent of the First World War. One historian commented that there was more artillery fire directed against the Maori fort than at any point on the frontline of the trenches in the First World War.


The Maori had not only dug in on the surface but they had also dug in underground as well. They were effectively immune to artillery fire. The artillery fire failed to penetrate the entrenchment. However, when the infantry moved in on the fortification to mop up the Maori defenders, they found themselves in even more trouble. The Maori had built firing emplacements within their fortifications. They were firing from within the trenches through slits in their firing emplacements at the invading British troops. The British infantry never had a chance.

The final outcome. The Maori were the only native people in the world to fight the British Army to a standstill. The British were forced to deal with them and to make a treaty. They had to follow their own treaty, something that did not happen very often to native peoples in the rest of the world.

Doing things alone- the self pres way  Doing things alone- the self pres way

The self-pres gene is the key element that probably gave these native peoples the drive for self-preservation. The Drive to organize against the British, form coalitions, rotate their troops to the fort and even plan that each fortification has an escape route. Often in many battles the Maori will be surrounded by superior British forces, but the last minute they would slip away.
The self pres gene is a very important gene indeed.

Erasmus Erasmus: Our genes make us the individual that we know as “me”. Our genes make is the personality that we know as “me” as well. But personality genetics has implications at a much greater level- countries and nations - and the course of history as well.

We believe that if you know the genetics of the country’s people, you can predict how a country or nation will act in specific circumstances. Culture may be the result of shared personality genes as much as shared experiences and history. Countries "do" and "achieve" only what the genetic makeup of their people allows them to do.

Dr AXxxxxDr. AXxxxx: If your people are vegetables, don't expect great things. Every one invades you, every one conquers you, and every one steals your stuff. A country is its people. A country of narrow minded opinionated clods, will not rise above that level.

Erasmus Erasmus: You're not talking about Paill Spectrum, are you?

Dr AXxxxxDr. AXxxxx: Double bummer. Of Course Paill Spectrum as well as genetics! Not only can you be borne to greatness (or lack thereof), but you can have it thrust upon you.

Dr. Xxxxx: Nutrition and gluten sensitivity is the key. Gluten sensitivity has a strong genetic base as well.

Goo The NumbatGoo: So not only can you be borne with low achieving enneagram genes, but you can be born with genes that improve your chances of illness and brain damage as well.

Erasmus Erasmus: Well, so says the good doctor. The Paill Spectrum theory focuses on the Paill Spectrum illness and the damage it does to the human brain. The doctor says is that Paill Spectrum is the main process for creating mental illness through brain damage.

KinkajouKinkajou: Doesn't evolution and natural selection guarantee that resistance to Paill Spectrum infection improves over generations.

Erasmus: No. Not at all. If Paill Spectrum removes judgment and enhances impulsive behaviour, it is far more likely that the "dumb strain" will outbreed more resistant and smarter human types. Evolution is about "more". If you breed more, you will get more- any "more", whether you think it good or bad. There is no guarantee that the path of evolution and time is upward.

Paill Spectrum  Paill Spectrum

KinkajouKinkajou: So Evolution can affect the Enneagram and create history at the same time?

Erasmus Erasmus: History is about people’s actions. People’s actions are substantially influenced by their mode of thinking which in turn has a substantial genetic underlay. This is especially emphasized by the low mobility of human populations throughout history. Most people born, live, breed and die in much the same area throughout their entire lives.

Even today, it has been said that in many parts of a modern country like England, many people never travel farther than hundred kilometers from their home, most of their lives. Indeed it is difficult to travel any distance regularly in view of, for example, traffic congestion arising from the concentration of human populations in cities.

KinkajouKinkajou: Let's get back to the talk about a nation's people- its human resources. People in many countries in the world till this century, stayed in one town, city or village all their lives. It makes sense to think that "clonal" populations will arise.

Erasmus Erasmus: Contrast the situation with a country like Australia with spaced population centres. People will regularly travel 100 to 200 km from a city like Brisbane just to get to spectacular beaches of the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast (now cities in themselves). Still, even in Australia, you see “mobility” patterns. A Friend of mine once noted, that many people start their careers in suburb like Holland Park, move on and up to a suburb like Alexandra Hills. Then as things went wrong in their lives moved back to Holland Park again. He used to quip that some people would never” leave’ Holland Park their entire lives. They belonged to this little part of the world.

KinkajouKinkajou: I think that people do move around more today, but that just means that the stage for clonal population to develop is just bigger than it used to be in the old days. People move within their countries but not so readily across national borders. So the same argument is valid. Clonal type populations arise within the borders of nations- even today.

Erasmus Erasmus: Going back 4000 to 6000 years, people were usually far less mobile. Travel was dangerous. The killing and robbing of itinerants was a part-time job for which justice would never prevail. Staying where you were known with people you knew, was far less dangerous. This encouraged the development of semi-clonal human populations.
For example, a couple moving to an area, could easily have eight kids, grow to adulthood. If each of these kids pair up (so to speak), each couple could easily have eight kids each as well. So in this Next Generation there would be about 30 to 40 people. In three generations there would be 120 to 160 people. In four generations, there would be about 500 to 700 people. In five generations there could be between 2000 to 3000 people in this village or tribe.
These people would have a very narrow genetic base and consequently this new population cluster would be expected to have very similar behaviour arising from the Enneagram genetics.

If the founding parents were aggressive, domineering and bellicose; you have the makings of a conquering tribe. Look at history. Monoculture cluster genetic groups of humans have all left their particular mark on the world, looking back through the lens of “genetic” personality.
The Sumerians burst upon the face of the planet in Mesopotamia. Their cities were haphazard constructions thrown together almost at random. There are ziggurats looking upward but not coming close to the vault of the sky, like the Egyptian pyramids. There are still further examples of their rapid but haphazard development. A king would leave his city with his army, conquer another city, to have his old city revolt behind him or while he was away. Alternatively, a king would conquer a new city and then leave for home. His newly conquered city would revolt soon after he left. The enneagram conclusion: a “seven” civilization.

So let's look at the situation with the enneagram “seven” culture. Sevens often start many jobs but completely finish few. This can mean development is haphazard but fast. The ethos of the seven could be said to be, “sometimes fools rush in and just get the job done”. A seven civilization would look exactly like the cities of Sumeria. Growing quickly but assembled seemingly at random in a haphazard fashion seemingly defying planning and preparation.

The Egyptians built the biggest and best and maintained rule and order throughout the Nile Valley. The enneagram conclusion: perhaps an “eight” civilization. Could enneagram eights create their own civilization? Perhaps the proximity of Sumeria allowed the pollination of Egypt's early civilization. Perhaps what they achieved, they did in their own right. We will probably never solve that one. But is obvious, is that whatever civilization formed did show the character of its people.

The inhabitants of the Indus Valley form a group which never quite “took off” in terms of growth, influence, technology or power. The enneagram conclusion: perhaps a “one” civilization.
One's like to get things right or perfect. One's like order. This would imply central control and order. New developments would arise slowly and be taken up slowly. The fire of civilization would sputter for a long time before bursting into flame. The enneagram would predict that this type of civilization would develop and grow slowly. This is what happened in the Indus Valley.

I think also that nations with a strong one component perhaps such as Germany and Japan, would have been very intolerant of less perfect neighbours and less than perfect human beings. Perhaps this intolerance based on enneagram genetics underlay some of the racial superiority ethics that started the Second World War. New innovation in “one” cultures is often slower than in other enneagram groups. For example the Japanese Zero fighter plane dominated the Pacific at the start of WW2. However by the end of World War II, American and British innovation had made the Zero aircraft a staid fossil-outclassed, outgunned, outspread, and out ranged by many of the newer Allied aircraft.

Consider the wandering German tribes of the early millennium. There is a high probability that mono crop genetics was in play. Bellicose founders founded bellicose tribes. The bellicose children marched to the gates of Rome.
It becomes even more interesting when you consider the effect of conquest on mono crop genetics of human tribes.

In Sumerian times the Assyrians would sweep down from the mountain strongholds and seize Mesopotamian cities. They would undoubtedly take captive slaves home, have their way with them and father children. This would result in the home population genetics beginning to change.

After several repeated cycles of invasion, the genetic base of the Assyrian bellicosity would alter. This Syrians over time would drift into memory as nation of conquerors. To explain this in enneagram terms. Increased seven genes in “eight” or “one” populations, would dilute the power of the eight genes, making a population now with ones, fours, fives, sevens, and nines. With fewer eight genes, this tribe based on its enneagram genetics would no longer seek to dominate, to rule or to conquer.

The same situation would perhaps relate to the founding of the American colonies. Only “eights” would so bravely set forth to a dangerous country full of powerful savages. These “puritan” fathers if they were eights, would indeed describe the feeling many people have of the stereotypic American.

The most fascinating aspect of this theory is that we are all part of history today. Immigration on a large scale would change population genetics substantially. The nature of the country would change, so slowly that no one would notice, but so powerfully that there can be no reversing the tide of “evolution”.

Large-scale immigration from say the Indian countries to a country like Australia would “one-ify” the country. The country would drift towards more rules, more regulation, less speed of progress, less tolerance of new ideas, less competition and less innovation.

The question you need to ask yourself is “where is my country going today”. Proliferation of one racial subgroup or predominant immigration of one racial subgroup would result in a change in the enneagram genetics of the population in a country. The nature and culture of the country would begin to change. People would begin to think differently. An enneagram three or enneagram seven country could easily drift towards becoming a much more enneagram one or enneagram nine country.

“Nine” subpopulations in many nations really do not compete well against people with slow histamine, fast noradrenaline, or fast serotonin genes. Obvious examples of the failure of Pacific Island populations to compete on the world stage. Another example would be the failure of the Maori or the aboriginals in New Zealand or Australia respectively to compete long term with the European immigrant populations in their traditional domains. While nine populations are integral to the functioning of many of our civilizations, while they function quite well within our civilizations, they do not perhaps compete with and develop the civilization as much as other enneagram personality subgroups.

What do “nine” personalities do? Nine personalities have fast histamine genes. They’re actually very aware of their environment and what is occurring in it. They can see what can be done, but they have no drive to do it. However this fast appreciation of their environment is very important in native populations living close to nature. It enables a rapid appreciation of danger from predators. It enables a rapid response to critical issues with minimum waste of effort or time. Less critical issues however, may never arise on the agenda.

I think that if the Australian aborigine “nines” developed a new culture or civilization, is unlikely that civilization would evolve in any time less than tens of thousands of years. The “do it now” ethic of the seven does not exist. Civilization is very much three steps forward two steps back game. It requires constant work, constant innovation and constantly thinking about how to change your environment to push a civilization further upward and forward. This is not what enneagram nine personalities do.


In fairness to the Australian aborigine “nines”, their failure to develop a civilization, is unlikely to be solely due to the enneagram genetics. The absence of advanced technologies such as those presented by cattle, sheep and grains such as wheat, would impede the development of civilization. Cattle and sheep are critical technologies. They convert inedible items such as grasses and herbage into food such as meat and milk and clothing. There genetic programming allows them to be herded. They form the basis of the first step of civilization: the nomadic herdsman.

Family Food Today Family Food Today: You can't see the wheat and rye but it is still there.

KinkajouKinkajou: Why describe grains such wheat or rye as technology?

Erasmus Erasmus: Changes occurred in the structure of these grains: wheat and rye that can be described as biotechnological changes.

Wheat is a grain that today is very different from that which appeared naturally many thousands of years ago. Modern wheat grains have a much higher yield. (They had double rows of seed grains compared to wild strain wheat grasses. They also do not flop their grain heads down when they ripen. This means the grain stays in the head of the wheat grass until humans can harvest it. Wild strain wheat grasses, have genetics which program the wheat grain heads to flop down when ripe, allowing self-seeding of the ground with the wheat grain.) "Wheat, Rye and Barley", are technologies which have enabled the second step of civilization, this being the development of early farming practices in the river valleys of Mesopotamia and the Nile valleys.

So the Australian aborigines, with their “nine” enneagram genetics and their lack of food technology, never really ever had a chance to develop a civilization.

In looking at these cultures, other aspects also become obvious. These cultures have very complex social interaction hierarchies. The social interaction hierarchies of Australian aborigines, is far more complex than the interaction system that underlies most Western cultures. So it appears the enneagram nine genes allow for a much deeper and richer understanding and interaction on a social and cultural level, than many other genes.

There are other genes however, at play in the Australian aborigine or the New Zealand Maori population subgroups. These genes are probably more important than the gene creating the enneagram types. This gene is likely a very powerful gene indeed. This gene is the “self-pres” gene.

The action of this gene is perhaps best seen in the actions of the Maori in New Zealand when faced with British belligerence. The self pres gene removes confidence and optimism in the future. There is no conviction that things will go well. The future cannot be taken for granted. Our destiny is what we make of it.

Self Pres gene VS Nostradamus Self-Pres gene VS Nostradamus: Who will help you more?

KinkajouKinkajou: How can such a gene make a difference?

Erasmus Erasmus: How many movies have you seen where the native peoples line up against the British and stand there to be shot and killed. Many. Even the Americans fighting the British did this. I believe the self -pres gene, pushed the Maori to act differently. The self pres gene would give you the feeling that you cannot be confident that things will work out well for you, if you stand there waiting to be shot. The self-pres tells you “don’t do it”. The self-pres genes gives a Lack of confidence and breeds an appreciation of danger and a desire to minimise danger  as well.

The Maori built a fortification outside a New Zealand city. The British mobilized their army and heavy artillery and attacked the Maori. They shelled the Maori fortification and then sent the infantry in to mop up the survivors. Unfortunately the Maori had “dug in”. This was well before the advent of the First World War. One historian commented that there was more artillery fire directed against the Maori fort than at any point on the frontline of the trenches in the First World War.

The Maori had not only dug in on the surface but they had also dug in underground as well. They were effectively immune to artillery fire. The artillery fire failed to penetrate the entrenchment. However, when the infantry moved in on the fortification to mop up the Maori defenders, they found themselves in trouble. The Maori had built firing emplacements within their fortifications. They were firing from within the trenches through slits in their firing emplacements at the invading British troops. The British infantry never had a chance.

The final outcome. The Maori were the only native people in the world to fight the British Army to a standstill. The British were forced to deal with them and to make a treaty. They had to follow their own treaty, something that did not happen very often to native peoples in the rest of the world.

The self-pres gene is the key element that probably gave these native peoples the drive for self-preservation. The Drive to organize against the British, form coalitions, rotate their troops to the fort and even plan that each fortification has an escape route. Often in many battles the Maori would be surrounded by superior British forces, but at the last minute they would slip away.
The self pres gene is a very important gene indeed.

To say it again, the self-pres genes gives a Lack of confidence and breeds an appreciation of danger and a desire to minimise danger  as well.


However by itself the self-pres gene, is not usually a driving or volition gene, except where danger or self-preservation is crucial.

Dr AXxxxxDr. AXxxxx: You will be needing genes like this I feel.

What is the irony of the Maori situation? As enneagram nines the Maori admired and wanted to be part of the British civilization and way of life. They could see the pros and cons of the advanced technologies the British had brought to their country. Time has shown however that the Maori “nines “did not have the motivation, or drive to reap many of the rewards of the British way of life. Rewards are for the deciders and the doers in the Western (British) world- the ones who work hard, achieve more and grow wealthier over time.

Self pres can be a very vicious gene as well. I remember reading reports of how cannibalistic Australian aborigine tribes treated captives. To stop escape and keep the meat fresh, they would break the legs of their captives. The captives could then be eaten at leisure.

In conclusion, I believe that genes create personality which creates culture which creates destiny. Our genes have made our history. Our genes continue to guide our destiny, the history of the future and the history of nations.

The self-pres gene is one of the advanced subtypes of the Ennaegram, but is not a civilisation builder. However, the shared genetics of the Maori with this gene created a "warrior" culture- great at "surviving, but not great at civilising.

What is the irony of the Maori situation? As enneagram nines the Maori admired and wanted to be part of the British civilization and way of life. They could see the pros and cons of the advanced technologies the British had brought to their country. Time has shown however that the Maori “nines “did not have the motivation, or drive to reap many of the rewards of the British way of life. Rewards are for the deciders and the doers in the Western (British) world- the ones who work hard, achieve more and grow wealthier over time.

Modern Computer Era Woman Modern Computer Era Woman  Modern Woman

Erasmus Erasmus: In conclusion, I believe that genes create personality which creates culture which creates destiny. Our genes have made our history. Our genes continue to guide our destiny, the history of the future and the history of nations.

Earth From Space  Earth From Space











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