PERSONALITY . Erasmus ....... Erasmus 'n Kinkajou Erasmus n Kinkajou "About Us & Contacts"

What Makes You The Way You Are
"Genetically Programmed" for one Path in Life










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Biography of the Author : ErasmusErasmus

Erasmus Erasmus is an old dog, but he reckons he still can do new tricks. He’s been around, and up and down a few dry creek beds in his lifetime .Born into servitude at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, Erasmus quickly realised the world could be a hostile and dangerous place. Puppies disappeared daily, never to be seen again.

Erasmus learned to look at the world with wary eyes.

As a young puppy though, he had a recurrent “waking dream”. One day he would find “the machine” and turn it off.
What machine you ask?” The machine that stops all the people in the world from flying”. Erasmus in his waking dream saw people as colours and as numbers and with a number of different attributes and strengths. By turning off the "world dominating machine", people could soar into the sky and find like-minded compatible sparks from anywhere in the sky. People could find their ideal mates and soar and fly forever.

Some applicants for our Team. Some applicants for our Team.

Our staff may have more to share. Click our donation button if you are willing to help us help you. If you support us ,we can keep working for all our sakes.


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to survive & keep working

Erasmus knocked about in life, learning the arts of building web sites, computer graphic design and constructing real buildings in the real world. After a stint in politics, he withdrew back into the rut of a long term full time job, one where people did not want to shoot you in the back all the time. He found "Normal" work is a god-given holiday from the intrigues of political life. A refreshing change from the arena of politics, where from day to day, enemies became allies and friends became the opposition.

Erasmus met Dr Xxxxx and over a number of years grew to develop a belief in the Paill Spectrum theory.
CENSORED "ref AX1001" by order of “Frobisher” authorised by “The Commandant”.

He also convinced Dr Xxxxx to collaborate with him and others in bringing their ideas to the world.  "The world will be a better place for our efforts". That is the true strength of humanity. The desire to please and to work together to achieve common goals. Often selflessly and in spite of the pain resulting.) 

ErasmusOf history’s view of his endeavours:  You never know. “Perhaps they will one day name a cold eccentric tumbling lump of icy pumice after us, in honour of our efforts.”

We're all Kool Kats We're all Kool Kats

Kinkajou Kinkajou

Kinkajou Kinkajou is a young gun. Born in a military pod battlegroup, sector Orrinse Blue, Kinkajou seeks to fulfil his role in the Human world. As a sergeant in the SAS interdiction squad, his role has been to kill "Spuds". Used to working independently behind enemy lines, his interdiction squad seeks to destroy critical spud infrastructure and to force the spuds to tie up resources for self defence. CENSORED "ref AX1007" by order of “Frobisher” authorised by “The Commandant”. In this he has been successful in bringing CENSORED "ref AX1008" by order of “Frobisher” authorised by “The Commandant”.
CENSORED "ref AX1010" by order of “Frobisher” authorised by “The Commandant”.

Life, before him, stretches in an apparently never ending road. A life full of promise. A life promising useful and rewarding work in the service of his fellow man. Along with the energy to get up and go, Kinkajou has a thirst for understanding which brings him into orbit around the volatile Dr Xxxxx and his partner in crime, Erasmus.  Kinkajou is all action and believes that "physical effort" is a path to achievement. The mental effort can be left to Erasmus. Yet physical action needs direction. And knowledge is the key to acquiring direction. So he has learned to value an understanding of the world in the pursuit of his goals. Kinkajou has a fervent belief in the grand future of the human species.

Kinkajou features in our web sites as an adventurer but he is equally accomplished in the art of reasoning and has often followed the comments of Erasmus to their logical conclusion. His belief in the truth leads him to always "tell it true". This is the world as it can be seen and this is the real world.
CENSORED "ref AX1002" by order of “Frobisher” authorised by “The Commandant”.

Goo the Numbat Goo

Goo is a simple and humble mammal.(Actually a marsupial numbat really). His ability to change the world is limited by his meagre intellect and his short life span. Furthermore, as a member of an endangered species, he has to face the prospect of personal death as well as species extinction. He could one day be the last of his kind.

Nonetheless, Goo soldiers on. " The only direction in life is forward" I will be with my friends.

CENSORED "ref AX1009" by order of “Frobisher” authorised by “The Commandant”

Kinkajou Kinkajou talks to Goo:
Goo, I think you are perhaps a bit out of place in our team.
Goo the Numbat Goo: “Great one, I do what I can”. Though I am limited in longevity and ability, I am still able to do things which are useful to others. I also strive to understand the world I live in, so that I can see myself from another perspective and so I can see the role I can or need to play.
KinkajouKinkajou: What is that wooden object you’re holding?
Numbat Goo Goo: It is a representation of myself and my family, depicting a simple scene in our lives that has meaning to us. I have actually been making a number of them. I’ve become very good at crafting the little statues.

Kinkajou Kinkajou: I’ve never seen any at your home.
Numbat Goo Goo: No great one. I actually have a different purpose in creating these objects.  Numbat 2 GooGoo
KinkajouKinkajou: Such as what?
Numbat Goo Goo: Faced as I am with my imminent demise as well as possible extinction, I have decided to work towards ensuring that the future will remember our species. I carve woodworkings representing significant events and beliefs, throughout the year. I go on four separate holidays, each of of a week’s duration, each year, to a different “Greenfields” site. Through the magic of the internet and satellites, I select these sites for the presence of large bodies of water with extensive muddy shores and for their improbability of undergoing human exploitation and development. While on holidays, I seed the muddy foreshores of these lakes with my carvings and statues.  I believe that the carvings will “petrify” in time, in effect becoming true artefacts.  A permanent record of my species and its achievements that will last into geological time.

Human Evolution should be so lucky.  Human Evolution should be so lucky.  Our team has evolved with time.

How will illness affect out personality. WWW.ENKtechs.COM "Paill"

Erasmus Erasmus: Goo, that is amazing. For a humble mammal such as yourself, your achievements may well surpass those of the rest of us. It is disconcerting to be forced to state the obvious. “When the day is done, all the thoughts and deeds and works of men may well be as writings in the sand”. Your simple yet effective formula, may well ensure that you and your species may in memory, outlast the rest of us, carried into eternity as petrified wood.
KinkajouKinkajou: Yes Goo. I believe that you truly deserve the title of “amazing mammal”. Your example inspires the rest of us to greater effort in solving the problems of the world as we see them.

Dr XxxxxDR Xxxxx:

Not Evil but a WizardNot Evil but a Wizard
CENSORED "ref AX1003" by order of “Frobisher” authorised by “The Commandant”.

Dr AXxxxxDr AXxxxx

Simply best described as a cold inhuman bastard, Erasmus says we are indeed lucky to have this paranoid psychopath on our side, (albeit less than willingly).  In spite of his antecedents, his perspective is valuable for us to use to understand our world.  Dr AXxxxx’s past background is in taking charge and being master at the helm of the ship of destiny. Control is the ultimate goal. Nothing must stand in the way of control. Domination not cooperation. Suspect your enemies and kill them first, preferably after extracting all useful information. Your destiny is yours to make and to take. Vengeance is a heady mix to this paranoic murdering bastard.

Human Illness: a Dr AXxxxx specialty. Human Illness: a Dr AXxxxx specialty.

An incredible knowledge of science gleaned from a long industrious and studious career in CENSORED
"ref AX1004" by order of “Frobisher” authorised by “The Commandant”.

Biotechnology, provided the grounding for his understanding of human biology.  Dr AXxxxx joins us as a refugee from the “justice” of his peers.

Our Family at the Beach Our "Human" Family at the Beach
Numbat GooGoo: If you have found these pages useful and are willing to help advertise this site: Tell a friend about us.

There is work to be done. we need you in the engine room. There is work to be done. we need you in the engine room.

This page has the necessary contact information for professional and public inquiries

Contact for general enquiries



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© EnK  ©Erasmus and Kinkajou  © Erasmus n Kinkajou    ©Goo  © The Commandant    ©Beethoven and Frobisher © Dr Xxxxx  ©  Dr AXxxxx or facsimiles thereof.

This work is free for “private” individuals to access, copy and distribute, conditional on giving recognition to EnK, Erasmus and Kinkajou for the information available, courtesy of author’s copyright.
Average Joe on the street: use our site for free and copy pages to share with your friends for free. Refer to our site and help yourself to snippets as well. Please don’t sell any components or pages of our site. . Remember we need your support and contributions because – corny as this may sound – we can’t survive without our audience and your financial support. Give us a gift or give us a contribution. We need your help because it’s only with your support that we can keep on keeping on.

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© EnK  ©Erasmus and Kinkajou  © Erasmus n Kinkajou    ©Goo  © The Commandant    ©Beethoven and Frobisher © Dr Xxxxx  ©  Dr AXxxxx or facsimiles thereof.
This work is free for “private” individuals to access, copy and distribute, conditional on giving recognition to EnK, Erasmus and Kinkajou for the information available, courtesy of author’s copyright. 
Average Joe on the street: use our site for free and copy pages to share with your friends for free. Refer to our site and help yourself to snippets as well. Please don’t sell any components or pages of our site. . Remember we need your support and contributions because – corny as this may sound – we can’t survive without our audience and your financial support. Give us a gift or give us a contribution. We need your help because it’s only with your support that we can keep on keeping on.

If however you wish to obtain a licensed permission to reproduce any of our sites, our access rules are here.

Average Joe or security mook working for government or a government qango, Commercial entities and governments and their agents, and direct or indirect employees of the government or of commercial organisations or entities:
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Use of those trade marks and names can only be undertaken with the permission of the owners. Use of our trademarks and names does not imply ownership or endorsement by EnK.

What we have to sell you? Not Much at this point in time. But that may change in the future.
We plan future to have some deliverables for sale. 
If you want us to do some actual work for you, real work charges apply.
Otherwise, as Dr AXxxxx would say: “So long fuckers. Die Soon”.



Trade marks and names

The site includes trade marks and names.
Use of those trade marks and names can only be undertaken with the permission of the owners. Use of our trademarks and names does not imply ownership or endorsement by EnK.

What we have to sell you? Not Much at this point in time. But that may change in the future.
We plan future to have some deliverables for sale.
If you want us to do some actual work for you, real work charges apply.
Otherwise, as Dr AXxxxx would say: “So long fuckers. Die Soon”.


Our Sites and Related Sites


Learn about the new technologies we will need to solve the problems of humanity. 

We showcase Health and Longevity, Military Tech, Biological and Food Tech, Communications Tech,

Computer Tech, Power and Propulsion Tech, Green Tech, Sigma Psi Tech, Social Tech and

the Technology that 10,000 Years ago founded our Civilisation and which still underpins our Civilisation today..

www.enktechs.com  :=>



Learn About the genetic theory of personality in human behaviour

Can personality determine the future of Civilizations? 

www.enkcharm.com  "Nations"  :-]>>

How are Personality Genes inherited , creating what personality of your children?




Achy painy Tired or irritable have lot in common.

Learn about our new theory of illness and how to treat yourself.

Showcasing Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Dyslexia or just Bad and Mad people.

www.enkpaill.com  :-o>

An Introduction to Paill Spectrum - for beginners.

www.enkpailltalk.com  :-o>



Need to help a child with Aspergers, dyslexia or just having problems at school

Our new theory of illness gives answers and treatments.

www.enkautism.com  :-]




Depression or anxiety may have treatments instead of antidepressant drugs.

If you want a cure that is.

Illness happens for a reason

www.enkblackdog.com :-c



We look at the management of the Corona Pandemic

The media have a lot to answer for in guiding the decisions of politicians.

www.enkcorona.com  :-{



The Psychoses and schizophrenia have plagued humanity since the early days we blamed devils or possession.

Now we have a theory of a new causes and a cure likely as well.

www.enkschiz.com  :-<



Kids failing at school. The answer is not just teaching harder. Dyslexia, Poor memory, slow development are part of the Paill Spectrum disorder.

New Treatments are possible. It now becomes an act of unforgivable stupidity to leave a child untreated- a child doomed to face darkness forever.

www.enkbadatschool.com  :-0



Language for holidays: single words, single syllables and easy to learn.

Become world savvy and talk to people anywhere by just learning a few words. 

www.enkPastiche.com <:-II


Tiredness and autoimmune disease are common, but there may be a new cause found suggesting new treatments even cures.

www.enkfatigue.com :->>


Do you need to help someone with a drug problem? We tell you how and what to expect.

You can make a difference but there are principles to follow.

We showcase Interests vs Enabling as a basis for your decisions.

You may save a life, if you know how

www.enkdrugs.com :- >



It began with scientists linking two matter strings on the other side of the Brane : the world around us that we cannot see or feel directly.
Humanity followed into the world that cannot be seen on the other side of the Brane, by choice.
What remains. A few isolated humans tasked with rebuilding a planet Earth tortured by years of human occupation.
Human masters of awesome power, technologies and knowledge.
The last humans cleanse planet Earth of the evidence of humanity, preparing the planet for new sentients, new sapients.

These are the stories about humanity transcendent: and the post human world- told through the eyes of a young 11 year old girl- Marissa.
Planet earth can be a dangerous and lonely place.  .

www.enkfairy.com  :-]




Showcasing man’s best friend , how to choose them and how to look after them.

www.enkdogs.com :->>> Achtung Schnauser!



Things to know about life to help you deal with life.

Health, Jobs, Finding Relationships, Short Cuts in Wealth

+ How to live healthy and Be Healthy, Rules for  Healthy Living




How to defend yourself in a Politically Correct World.

Stand up to the bullies who want to tell you how to think.

www.enkPI.com   :-[




And we have been paid to promote:

Work Together to Defeat Government and Bureaucracy.

www.bloodweaver.com :-@




And we have been paid to promote:

How to Limit Doctors' Consultation times - for doctors, (in Australia).

The Ten Minute Dream.

www.cons10.com   :-/




Humanity is destined to become an aggressively spacefaring race or to face extinction.

Learning to generate Gravity is the basis for the dreams of the spacefaring Diaspora.

www.enkgravity.com   :-?>



Learn the truth about Aliens on this earth.

www.enkaliens.com :-7




Learn more about the Paill Spectrum family of diseases.

Live long and Prosper!

www.paillplus.com :-<





A Summary of the Erasmus and Kinkajou (EnK) sites.

www.enktrantor.com :-<






You can help us do our work if you just tell one new person about something valuable you found on our site.



You can help us help the world if you just tell one new person about something valuable you learned on our site.